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Our name, Tiqoon, is a Hebrew word which means “fix/restore/remedy/correct/rectify” and that is our avowed objective which we intend to carry out with the help of the other Tiqoon, the special book with the vowels and punctuation marks absent in the scrolls themselves which anyone preparing to read aloud from the Torah routinely consults. With this synthesis, we can deploy forensic linguistics to create the first English translation of Genesis stemming directly from the original Hebrew. The impetus for Genesis Decompressed was a recent reincarnation of a popular biblical story. David and Goliath, a bestseller by Malcolm Gladwell, serves up another in a long train of depictions and dramatizations of this legendary encounter, all completely misconstruing both the narrative and its thematic implications. These can only be discerned from a close reading of the Hebrew source, seeing its configuration in the scrolls and knowing what preceded this incident. Our prologue reveals how this well-known story is completely mischaracterized. The significance of this as to the first chapters of Genesis cannot be underestimated, for these set the contours for all Scripture. To make sure readers appreciate the importance of this, we ask our readers to consider how they would answer the following questions:

  • Was our world created in a week?
  • Does the theory of evolution contradict the Genesis narrative?
  • Was Adam the first human being?
  • Was there a tree in the Garden of Eden that could confer eternal life?
  • Was there another one that provided knowledge of good and evil?
  • Did Adam’s transgression in the Garden of Eden constitute the “fall of man”?
  • Was Satan the “serpent” in the Garden of Eden?
  • Did he seduce Eve into sin?
  • Did Eve then lead Adam into sin?
  • Did this “original sin” thereafter blemish all mankind?
  • Did Eve bring death into the world?
  • Was the couple banished from Eden after they ate from the tree?
  • Did cherubs prevent people from entering the Garden of Eden?
  • Was the story of Cain and Abel about sibling rivalry?
  • Was Cain the first murderer?
  • Were there fallen angels that cohabited with human women?

Our Expositions revisit cherished beliefs that may have resulted from faulty translations over the centuries. When Scripture was canonized over 2500 years ago, the residents of Judea were still fluent in Hebrew. Three centuries later, they were speaking Aramaic and Greek and translated Scripture into these vernaculars. The Greek ones became the basis for translations into other languages, including English, but Greek, not a Semitic language, does not transform well from Hebrew. Along with Greek Hellenism, emendations and errors arising from alien beliefs begot a corrupted text, one Genesis Decompressed restores to how it was understood by its first readers, the first true English rendition of Genesis.

In an attempt to keep the Hebrew lettering correct, we are posting the following sections in PDFs. That way the formatting of the text should remain intact. If you need the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click here.


  1. Prologue – An example of how forensic linguistics applied to one of the most popular Old Testament stories radically changes our understanding of what really took place when David confronted Goliath; this can be skipped, in whole or in part, as it does not bear directly on Genesis.
  2. Introduction – Elements of biblical Hebrew that will aid the reader in understanding the expositions of text; this section can also be skipped without any loss of continuity.
  3. Day One – Creation of Light
  4. Day Two – Establishment of Atmosphere and Climate Systems
  5. Day Three – Creation of Bodies of Water and Land Masses; Sprouting of Flora
  6. Day Four – Placement of Celestial Bodies
  1. Day Five – Development of Marine and Winged Fauna
  2. Day Six – Development of Reptilian and Mammalian Fauna; Augmentation of Humans
  3. Day Seven – Inauguration and Extension of History
  4. Chapter II Part 1 – The A-DAM Situated in Eden
  5. Chapter II Part 2 – Building the Woman
  6. Chapter II Part 3 – The Challenge
  7. Chapter II Part 4 – The Consequences
  8. Chapter III Part 1 – Expulsion
  9. Chapter III Part 2 – Rivalry
  10. Chapter III Part 3 – Repercussions
  11. Chapter III Part 4 – DE(GENERATIONS)
  12. Appendix – Demonstrates how the meanings of two well-known, oft-quoted biblical passages are very different from their conventional translations.

If you have any questions about the text, please feel free to contact us by submitting this form.

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